Future Eclipses

Eclipse tracks 2028-33
Eclipse tracks 2028-2033.

The following cloud maps show average monthly cloud cover along the tracks of upcoming eclipses, both annular and total, as shown in the figure above. Cloud-cover statistics are derived from measurements from various polar-orbiting satellite  between 2000 and 2024.

Complete weather studies for the eclipses of 20262027 and the annular in 2028 are available elsewhere in Eclipsophile or by following the links to the menu. This section shows a quick look at those farther in the future.

2030 June 1 annular solar eclipse with  average June cloud amount derived from satellite observations 2000-2019. Data: CM-SAF. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.


Cloud map along the 2030 total eclipse.
2030 November 25 total solar eclipse with  average June cloud amount derived from satellite observations 2000-2019. Data: CM-SAF. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.
2031 May 21 annular solar eclipse with  average May cloud amount derived from satellite observations 2005-2024. Data: CM-SAF. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.
2031 eclipse track with average November cloud amount.
2031 November 14 hybrid solar eclipse with  average November cloud amount derived from satellite observations 2005-2023. Data: CM-SAF. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.
2033 total eclipse track with March average cloud
2033 March 30 total solar eclipse with  average March cloud amount derived from satellite observations 2009-2021. Data: CM-SAF. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.

 For those looking farther into the future, here are cloud-cover maps for each month with annular and total eclipse tracks added.

Future Eclipses by Month to 2043 for Dreamers
January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
November December

Eclipse tracks were provided by Fred Espenak via NASA.

These images may be used freely on your web site provided eclipsophile.com is linked to the image(s) and appropriate acknowledgement is given.

-Jay Anderson

Update November 2024

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