Eclipsophile: Climate and Weather for Celestial Events

Welcome to Eclipsophile.
This site is dedicated to the global traveller who appreciates and seeks out the spectacles that Nature offers to aficionados of the day and night sky. In Kepler’s words: Ad rerum coelestium amatores universos.… Solar eclipses are at the forefront in these pages, but our Universe also offers lunar eclipses, auroras, planetary transits, comets, and occultations to experience and explore.
These pages will allow the casual and experienced eclipse seeker to peer into the future to select a destination or review a past eclipse to relive the experience.
If holiday sunshine or nighttime observing is on your mind, you will find global cloud-cover charts for both day and night to help select your destination.
Dream, travel, explore. You only go around once.
– Jay Anderson
Unless otherwise noted, all material on this site is copyright free and released into the public domain; such content may be used globally without restriction. If you use this in your web site or elsewhere, I’d appreciate acknowledgement and a link to this web page.