
Total Solar Eclipse
2003 November 23

This eclipse was well observer from Antarctica as it passed over several research stations on the continent and was the destination of a number of commercial eclipse expeditions. It has the distinction of recording the coldest temperatures measured at any eclipse. At Dome Fiji, Japanese researchers recorded a temperature drop from -51.8°C to -55.0°C at a height of 0.5 m; the minimum came 20 minutes after 3rd contact.  

Map of the track of the lunar shadow. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier

Animation of the passage of the lunar shadow created in WinEclipse, a program developed by the late Heinz Scsibrany.

Image of the eclipse shadow over Antarctica from the Terra satellite. The shadow is stretched out across the limb of the Earth. Image: NASA.
A copy of the Terra image above showing the shadow location in its position over Antarctica. Image: NASA/ SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
An image from the Aqua satellite showing the eclipse shadow. Image: NASA.

Animation of images from Meteosat 5 showing the shadow skirting the lower limb of the Earth from right to left. Images: EUMETSAT.

Updated January 2021

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