

1990 July 22
Total Solar Eclipse

Track of the lunar shadow. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.
Track of the lunar shadow. Eclipse track: Xavier Jubier.

Animation of the passage of the lunar shadow created in WinEclipse, a program developed by the late Heinz Scsibrany.

Infrared/visible false-colour composite image from GMS 4 at 2:32 UTC. The eclipse shadow is the deep blue tone at the north limb. Image: JAXA.
Same as above, in visible wavelengths only.

This view of the eclipse shadow comes from Meteosat 3, which lies along the Prime Meridian and has a very oblique look toward the eclipse track. In this short loop, the shadow is barely visible as a shadow that drifts across the narrow crescent of the Earth in the upper right in the second and third frames. Images: EUMETSAT.

Updated December 2020
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