
Front page of the USNO circular for the eclipse.

This annular eclipse was viewed across the United States because of its central track. The earlier 1979 eclipse, while total, was limited to the Northwest States and had a lesser impact. Though limited, schools began to move away from the “don’t look at it” attitude.

Map of the path of the annular eclipse of 1984 across North America and Africa. Eclipse track: Fred Espenak.
Global map of the eclipse track.

Animation of the passage of the lunar shadow created in WinEclipse, a program developed by the late Heinz Scsibrany.

GOES East image showing the lunar shadow over Texas at 1545 UTC. Image: NASA.
GOES E image of the eclipse shadow over the eastern United States at 1645 UTC.
Meteosat 2 image of the eclipse shadow near the end of its track over the west limb of the Earth at 1730 UTC. Image: EUMETSAT.

Animation of the shadow passage as seen from GOES 5. Images: NASA

Updated December 2020

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