Map of the track of the annular eclipse, 1983 December 4. Eclipse track by Fred Espenak.
Global map of the eclipse track, 1983 December 4.
False colour image of the eclipse shadow at 11:30 UTC as seen from Meteosat 2. As in other false colour images created using visible and thermal infrared wavelengths, blue represents the infrared contribution and yellow shades come from the visible (actually, red) wavelengths. The dark lunar shadow, which has only a small visible light contribution, appears blue. Image: EUMETSAT.
Meteosat 2 visible-light image of the eclipse shadow at 1300 UTC, 1983 December 04. Image: EUMETSAT.
Animation of the passage of the lunar shadow created in WinEclipse, a program created by the late Heinz Scsibrany.
Animation of the passage of the lunar shadow as seen from Meteosat 2. Images: EUMETSAT.
Animation of the shadow from GOES 5. Images: NASA.